Photo Credit: Richard Farley, Danby, VT

It All Begins With Good Ideas, not Ideology

What Does Sandy Want for All Vermonters?

  • Balanced, Common Sense Legislation and Policy

  • Reduced Tax Burdens

  • Sustainable Fiscal Responsibility

  • Success and Support for Small Businesses

  • Healthy Economic Growth and Development

  • Environmental Conservation & Housing Growth

  • Quality Education at an Affordable Price

Building a Prosperous and Sustainable Economy

You don’t have to be an economist to understand that a healthy economy supports strategic growth and works for everyone. Currently, Vermont bears one of the highest tax burdens in the country, compounded by overregulation.

Our anti-business reputation has hampered growth. We need to reform these regulations to attract businesses and reduce our tax burden. By streamlining regulations, offering tax incentives, investing in infrastructure, and supporting small businesses, we can create a more business-friendly Vermont, driving economic growth and improving the well-being of all Vermonters.”

Climate Change Initiatives
”Regarding the issue of Climate Change, I believe it is first and foremost important to take a realistic approach, as building the infrastructure required to meet the necessary clean power demands must factor in the very real needs and concerns of the majority of Vermont residents.  While I don't agree with the extremists on either side of the debate, I do see a path forward to being a part of the solution and not a part of the problem, while simultaneously looking out for the people who have real concerns about staying warm this winter, paying their taxes, and keeping food on the table.”

Human Rights

“As the daughter of hardworking Vermonters, the wife of a retired Army Reservist, a mother and grandmother, I deeply value dedication, service, and family. I believe in every individual's right to make personal decisions about their bodies and their care in consultation with their physician. I support providing access to healthy options for all individuals, and empowering people to choose what is best for their personal circumstances.

I will advocate for policies that protect individual freedoms, promote healthcare access, and uphold the right to make informed decisions. Together, we can champion the rights of every Vermonter.”

Responsible Gun Ownership
”While I believe assault weapons have no place in the hands of civilians, my father and brothers were avid hunters who provided for their families, and I was raised to understand and appreciate the value hunting brings to the state. Vermont is historically one of the safest areas in the country regarding gun violence. Vermont's strong hunting culture has taught children to understand and respect the responsibilities of firearm ownership.

Most gun owners agree with existing state and federal laws. The issue is not the need for additional laws but the enforcement of current ones. Current gun control laws protect law-abiding citizens, who have the Constitutional right to protect themselves. I stand with them to defend this right.”